From the Siloed to Platform World

  • Technology has transformed how the world works. Moving from a traditional, siloed model of operation to a globally connected platform model.
  • The nature of work, jobs, learning, and skills are rapidly changing as well as speed and scale for doing everything.

Change – Education and Research

“The “pipeline” concept has long kept people out of the field of engineering. It’s time to address the needs of today’s digital, diverse, global, and rapidly changing society.”

“… an educational system designed to produce new scientists and engineers does far too little to help students in other fields gain an understanding and appreciation of science and the methods of science.”

Change – Legacy Companies to Global Platforms
  • “The way today’s big tech conglomerates glue their products together into “platforms” makes them potentially much more dominant and long-lasting than the industrial conglomerates.”
  •  “The network effects the tech companies are enjoying create a whole new class of economies of scale, which were largely unavailable to industrial conglomerates.”
  • “Platform companies compete on demand side productivity, traditional companies complete on supply side productivity”.

New Integrated Platform Models
  • As the nature of work, jobs, and skills change, companies seek new approaches to attract and develop a new diverse workforce.
  • New connected models of learning and innovation are emerging today.
  • New partnerships with educational institutions and companies connect skills with application, engagement models for new talent provide practical learning as well as bringing new ideas to the market.

General Climate Change Platform Model
  • Build a new global shared model of collaboration engaging all key stakeholders – K12 to workplace, society, and more.
  • Students can move to internships at companies bringing new ideas and concepts, return to the university understanding current needs of the market.
  • Create a global collaboration for all students so that they can learn and engage with today’s need for climate change. Build efficient learning and innovation practices

Building a Local / Shared Model for Climate Change

  • Local facility emission points are mapped and known. A set of options and plan is required for each emission point. Nothing changes until each emission point is addressed.
  • This is an opportunity to build a project model for students to consider options rating benefits and costs, and bringing new ideas and opportunities forward.